Sunday, February 8, 2009

Remedies for Improvement in Educational System of Pakistan

Pakistan education system needs to improve instantly because it does not meet with the standard required for the progress and dignity in the world as well as for the survival in the modern world. Our children are a sacred trust provided to each generation. Maximizing the potential of each individual requires a system that enables each child to understand that she/he is respected, valuable, and capable of learning. We have to develop an effective strategy to empowering the next generation. The population of students in Pakistan is increasing day by day but the biggest challenge is to ensure that the education imparted to these students is effective in supplying them with the necessary skills to fully contribute to society and economy. Improving the quality of education system requires a multi-faceted approach in order to improve the effectiveness of the learning process.

Our entire educational system requires re-structuring. Political instability is one major reason of disastrous situation of educational system. Our political leader are running schools on business model, we have to get out of it, politicians should realize that they should work for the common goal of increasing the literacy rate in Pakistan than searching their own benefits. Since this government has been re-built there is observed huge rises in fee. We have to get the business model out of the schools, and put our culture behind the concept that learning enriches everyone for life. To love learning is the greatest gift a child can come away with. If it is internalize, children will use all the resources we can make available to them: other people, the internet, the real world, books, art, everything to learn. We need to develop, the academic and leadership skills in student at all levels whether high school, college, the workplace, and civic life which help them to succeed, through education.

Although many efforts have been put in this regard but we have to check whether we are putting right efforts or just striking in the dark. Some of the remedies are to pay children to do their homework or when they get a good grade! With that as their only incentive, education becomes merely a means to a goal, and learning cannot happen. We are running schools on a business model, as if children are objects that learn the same, can be molded the same, and if that doesn't happen, the teacher is to blame. Learning isn't a thing but a process taking time and practice that may not show up on test taking day but sometime down the road when the parts click together--just as w/ any of us when we try to really learn and understand something new. And we all learn differently because we are individuals.

Pakistan has been lagged behind in the world's technology. Computers and computer-based communications and information systems are opening up new opportunities in virtually every field of human endeavor. The urgent need of hour is to broaden access to computer and information science skills and, through those skills, to improve economic opportunities and more fruitful participation in virtually every dimension of modern life. The most talented students and people from Pakistan are attracted to foreign countries in thrust of research and development; this is the major force that can not be ignored. The greatest effect of brain drain on any country is what is seen in Pakistan today; rampant corruption, poor administrations, lack of motivation and a fast diminishing nationalism. We have to stop this continuous brain drain from our country for the sake of welfare of our nation. These great scholars after getting education from abroad must be attracted back to their motherland so that they may help in developing their own country than working abroad. If we help to achieve this benchmark, we can inspect a major positive change in our educational system and resulting financial and national development because “Education is the only way to restore the competitive edge of the nation as a whole”.

Education is a life-long asset. It should have exponential rewards as the students become members of the community with a civic conscience. We need to find out volunteer adults possessed with talent that can be shared with our young people to further educate them. In this way we can engage the youth talent in very efficient manner. Such volunteers should deliver their learning and experiences to the youth free of cost. Developed countries like USA are competing world today on basis of such talent sharing activities. Citizen Schools in USA is a real model in this regard which provide education for disadvantaged students where talented adults teach the youth free of cost. The rewards for all involved are lasting. We need the same reforms in order to improve our educational system. The government needs to encourage educated young adults to assist in nation's re-creation. The sprightly, energized, and inspired recent graduates and other adults who have grown tired of the endless search for an entry level position. Creating a web of mentors from professional fields supporting students to graduation is extremely important. We must reduce the high school dropout rate intelligently and efficiently, as well as support completion in higher education. We need institutions which make a difference in the lives of our country's children by providing them with invaluable learning experiences, mentorship and a hands-on exposure to the 21st century skills they will need in order to contribute to society as they join the workforce. One in four Pakistani students is dropping out of school and the situation is even more dismal for low-income and minority students. Our society must develop a capable workforce and, in order to accomplish that goal, education can't remain an insider's game. We need to inspire more talent in education - not only full-time teachers, but also volunteers who bridge the school day and after-school learning hours. Government efforts are always required in this regard. For poor or needy students government should provide special grant as decade of evidence shows that when disadvantaged students spend their afternoons on well-structured academics and real-world learning projects with community members, they outperform their peers across the board. We need to recognize that the dominant method of teaching—by feeding facts to students—needs to be replaced by a new method that engages youth in the learning process and develops minds by encouraging problem solving, decision making, and creativity Government should bring education to thousands of children who use to spend their days begging from train passengers on the platforms rather than attending schools. By establishing these “Platform Schools” at train stations, we can provide a creative atmosphere which offers children the basic levels of academic and life education necessary to allow them to work productively and contribute to their communities.

Female Education: A major problem in education in Pakistan has been the low rate of female participation and the substantial disparity between males and females in educational achievement. The governments in Pakistan have generally been less than enthusiastic in augmenting employment options for women or in providing legal support for women's participation in the labor force. Therefore, a majority of women end up doing domestic chores or making or marketing handicrafts or embroidery products, figures for which are not entered into the labor statistics of the country. Officially, therefore, only 13 percent of women were shown as a part of the labor force. In fact, false notions of "propriety" induce families to conceal the extent of employment or work among women. All these factors—social and religious conservatism, restriction on the mobility of women, fear of "losing honor", perceived loss of dignity and status—have contributed to the widely held perception among parents in conservative urban families and generally in rural areas that the academic curriculum in schools is irrelevant to women's future roles as homemakers. To raise the literacy level, it is urgently important to appreciate woman in every field of education. There are certain medical fields which typical associate to women so they must not be deprived of gaining the knowledge of those skills.

Another dilemma observed is that, all our educational institutions are either government or totally private with very little semi-government associations. The result is wide range of discrimination between the students. Those from private sector are found very efficient in most regards but they typically belong to high class families as private schools and colleges are affordable for them only, while most of those students which come from government institutions are found less efficient and lesser confident in comparison. It is very necessary for the government to make joint ventures with private sector to produce semi-government institutions accessible to middle-class students as well. In this way such institutions can be self-efficient to improve student’s learning process with a standard.

Examination System in Pakistan badly needs amendments. As Academics play a very important part in a country's welfare and development, our Examination System should be improved. To resolve discrepancies in examination system, people should have no access to the person checking the papers. Examination centres should be improved. High quality staff must be appointed. Rules should be made strict. Time limit must be made flexible i.e. a student should be allowed as much time as one requires for completing the exam. This might prove helpful for the prosperity of our country. We are not going to sit in exam to understand whatever we have studied but we want to qualify for the next class after learning exams with passing marks. We are not interested in getting something after one year in a class but we are keen to get admission in next class of high standard. It is our examination system which is spoiling the inner and real charm of students. It is not providing us real and practical people but studious ones. Government needs to work on this sector by the help of Higher Education Commission in a dedicated manner.

Teaching staffs require major alterations at all level to enhance the institutional capacity of all organizations. The lack of sufficient manpower is the most serious problem at the district and sub-district level. Here again government participation for rising educational budget is the requirement. At present, politicians hand out teaching jobs as patronage appointments. Federal and provincial funds provided for education sometimes remain unused, especially in rural areas, since feudal landowners are opposed to educating "their" people.

It is also required to continuously monitor the performance of system by collecting reliable information about the state of education is to conduct standardized testing that measures student performance against national curriculum goals. These can be used to compare learning achievement across schools, districts and regions over time. Pakistan currently has one institution that conducts research on educational issues, the Academy of Educational Planning and Management, which conducts research on basic education. However, its abilities are hampered by inadequate funds, no institutionalized basis for collecting, processing and analyzing data, no technical support staff and little influence in policy making. Student assessments which are credible and objective play an important role in this process by providing critical feedback on what and how well students are learning. The National Education Assessment System (NEAS) was established to undertake systematic evaluations of student learning achievement across Pakistan and share the analytical results with both policy makers and practitioners to inform the education quality reform process. With data that is comparable across regions and over time, NEAS can identify gaps and bring about improvements in the curriculum, teaching and classroom support practices, as well as in the development of learning aids. The longer term sustainability of NEAS will depend not only its establishment as an autonomous body and but also the degree of integration between the federal and regional assessment centers so that cross learning and implementation of best practice is facilitated.

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